Proverbs Page 6
- It is no time to go for the doctor when the patient is dead
- A promise is a debt
- Proverbs cannot be contradicted
- The proverb cannot be bettered
- Though the proverb is abandoned, it is not falsified
- Don't throw out the dirty water until you have the clean water in
- It's better to return from the centre of the ford than drown in the flood
- The sty before the litter
- If you meet a red-haired woman, you'll meet a crowd.
- To be red-haired is better than to be without a head
- To put off repentance is dangerous
- It's better to be sorry and stay than to be sorry and go away.
- It's a small thing that outlives a man
- Remember even if you loose all, keep your good name for if you loose that you are worthless.
- Those who get the name of rising early may lie all day
- When a man gets his feet in lime he cannot easily get rid of it
- No dealing with a revengeful man
- He was never good since the time a yard(of cloth) made a coat for him
- Don't mention him and a decent man in the one day.
- A sly rogue is often in good dress
- She would drink the cream and say the cat she had was an old rogue
- The horse with the most scars is the one that highest kicks his rear
- The person who brings a story to you will take away two from you.
- A story without an author is not worth listening to
- Leave the bad tale where you found it
- There is no smoke without fire
- When all fruits fail welcome haws
- When the fruit is scarcest, its taste is sweetest
- We have a fine day more often than a kiln-cast
- A soft dropping April brings milk to cows and sheep
- Autumn days come quickly like the running of a hound on the moor
Proverbs Page 7
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