Proverbs Page 5
- Poverty parts good company
- Many a defect is seen in the poor man
- It's hard to take britches off bare hips
- The full man does not understand the wants of the hungry
- A little pleases a poor man
- Poor men take to the sea; the rich to the mountains
- Poverty creates sadness
- Pity the man who does wrong and is poor as well
- There is nothing in the world so poor as going to hell.
- The thief is no danger to the beggar.
- Poverty is no shame.
- Two things that go for loss-turf on a mountain and the wisdom of a poor man.
- Shame is ever a part of poverty
- No-one is ever poor who has the sight of his eyes and the use of his feet A poor man never yet lost his property
- Poor is the church without music
- A smokey cabin, a handful of spuds and a flea-filled bed
- No stopping the force of a going wheel by hand
- No forcing the sea
- Don't county your chickens before they are hatched
- Don't bless the fish till it gets to the land
- Don't build the sty until the litter comes
- Praise the ripe field not the green corn
- Praise the ford when you have crossed it
- You must empty a box before you fill it again
- The pride of women and the pride of priests
- It is difficult to soothe the proud
- Pride comes before a fall
- Pride feels no pain The jump of a cock on the dungheap
- There is no virtue in the herb that is not got in time.
- A postponement till morning A postponement for ever.
Proverbs Page 6
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